August 16, 2010

busy bee!

Hey Everyone! So as most of you know I will start classes back next week Monday the 23rd - so this means less time for pictures, unfortunately! . I guess my summer is officially over!! I have class 4 days a week and try to at least twice a month go see my brother (which I can only go on Sundays) so my time is every valuable to me and my family but I still want to make time for my photography. I thought maybe this is good time for some changes and some schedule updates for those of you wanting Fall and Christmas pictures. I will have VERY LIMITED openings so please, if you are wanting these spots, please contact me ASAP to book your spot. I will be working full time, raising my children full time and going to school full time but I plan to still do pictures. So as for that news here are some of the openings and such coming up..

• As for the rest of summer pictures I will take session up through September 30th. (no sessions on September 4th, 18th or 19th.) But I will only take sessions on Wednesday, Friday & Saturday evenings, also on Sundays.. anytime.
• As for Fall sessions I will start to take those in middle October. Again with the same times, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday evenings and Sunday anytime.
o The reason for those times only is I take night classes on Monday and Tuesday evenings. I have clinicals on Thrusday nights and Saturday till 3pm.
• Christmas sessions will be very limited! And I will be doing them for 2 weeks only to get everything in and done on time. I will be taking them November 14-28. I know the week of the 21-28 is Thanksgiving holiday but I have that entire week off so its perfect for getting pictures taken and getting them edited with the Christmas cards done!

So if any of you are wanting a session for the end of summer, fall or Christmas contact me now to reserve your spot!!

Another announcement : Most of my current clients get the disc with their session, well after the 1st of the year, as in after January 1st, the disc will be $125 if you want to purchase it. That means you pay for the session fee and I will put up an online proofing gallery for you to order your pictures through me or you can pay the $125 and get the disc released to you, copyright released. That means you can go anywhere and get them printed. So if you take advantage of scheduling before the new year (2011) you can get a GREAT deal!
I will be updating my website with the new prices probably before next year, but the disc will not change till 2011! -- after January 1st, 2011, whatever the website says it what it will be!! :)